Corporate Sponsorship

Chorus Austin is supported by the generosity of our community, which includes many local businesses and non-profits. If your organization is interested in making a financial contribution, we would love to hear from you!

To begin a sponsorship, or to learn more, please contact:

Michael Evans

Interim Executive Director, Chorus Austin

(512) 719-3300

Silver Level


  • “Thank you” listing and company logo featured on the Chorus Austin website in all concert programs and promotional material

  • Free 1/2 page ad in all Chorus Austin concert programs

  • Season Tickets to Chorus Austin performances for 4 people for the following 12 months

  • Invitations to concert receptions and donor appreciation events

Gold Level


Silver Level Perks, plus:

  • Introduction and recognition at all Chorus Austin concerts

  • Private introductions to Chorus Austin opening night concerts by Maestro Heller

  • Season Tickets for 10 people for the following twelve months

Platinum Level


Gold Level Perks, plus:

  • “Thank you” in media advertising

  • A private Chorus Austin Chamber Ensemble performance

  • Season Tickets for 20 people for the following 12 months